Specialist Contact Lenses

At Brownbills Optometrists we can support patients with the fitting of contact lenses if they have damaged, distorted or diseased corneas, in particular for those patients with Keratoconus.

What is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a condition where the cornea thins. The cornea can no longer support itself and begins to steepen. The distorted cornea stops light being focussed properly at the back of the eye leading to blur, haloes, and glare. Many keratoconics find that glasses do not provide good vision and that is where contact lenses come in as they can often provide excellent vision even where the cornea is irregular.

What are the different lens types for Keratoconus?

Different lens type for keratoconus patients include:

  • rigid gas permeable lenses
  • soft lenses designed specifically for keratoconus
  • hybrid lenses
  • mini-scleral and scleral lenses